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At its core I believe my practice to focus on a story: An object's story, its pre-existence. Questioning, wondering, investigating the journey it has taken through a multi-disciplinary site specific approach to examine, challenge and understand space phenomenologically, textually and physically. 

A crack in a wall

A pothole in the road

A chip on a cup

Each show a sign of a life, the presence of a being, a force upon its natural existence which has in some way altered its appearance and journey. 

"                                 "

Gabriella Mann interdisciplinary artist

​There is the trace of humanity in these mere things – handled, then used up, close to exhaustion or extinction. I understand this “mereness” of things, not only in terms of a used, discarded object that had gained an ​​​​​​​​​​​identity or singularity by being used, but, more fundamentally, as identified as something that becomes lodged in the things themselves and therefore relates to the relationships that a subject can establish with them.






Livia Marin

         Interdisciplinary Artist

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